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All of my classes are centred around Hatha Yoga. In a class you can expect to:

  • connect to your breath through breathing techniques

  • flow gently and mindfully, creating strength, stability and mobility

  • incorporate mudra, mantra, intention and affirmation

  • relax and meditate

  • Slow down, creating a space for ourselves

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.

Thank you to everyone who has shown interest in classes. For the time being, classes are on hold, 


I would love to hear from you if there's a day or time that you are interested in attending a yoga class. If you'd like to see a class on a particular day, please let me know by filling out the form below:

What day(s) would be good for you to attend a yoga class? (Select all that apply)
How frequently would you like to attend classes?
Once a week
Twice a week
More than twice a week
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